About Us

The Agoura Hills City Council is excited for The Good Life Podcast as an additional tool for transparent and informative communication. Our council wanted to expand the City’s communication’s efforts by meeting our residents where they are. We hope that The Good Life Podcast can be your go-to source, anytime and anyplace.
City Manager Nathan Hamburger has been on board since the inception of The Good Life Podcast. “As the world shifted, the City needed to pivot into a direction where connection was a priority. The Good Life Podcast is a method to support our efforts in solidifying the foundation with the residents of Agoura Hills.”

The Good Life Agoura Hills is hosted by Assistant City Manager of Agoura Hills, Ramiro Adeva. Ramiro is a veteran public sector pro and has worked at the City since 2002. Currently, he serves as the City's Assistant City Manager and oversees many of the City's high-profile projects and programs.
His talent and passion for public speaking and emceeing events make him the perfect host for The Good Life Agoura Hills podcast.
Each month Ramiro invites guests onto the podcast to break down city projects and programs, discuss topics of interest in the community, and answer questions submitted by our incredible listeners!